Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dear Parenthood

Maybe I shouldn't have watched you right after LOST since it is also a heavy show. That may be part of this issue. Holy downer Ron and Brian. I know it's based on the movie, which had many trials and tribulations, but this is television. This show is not going to wrap up into a happy little bow at the end of 2 hours, but instead, it will go on and on and on for months depressing the crap out of people. I also recognized exact lines taken right from the movie...which I didn't care for either. You have had at least a decade since the movie came out, to come up with original scenes for a show BASED on the movie...not a show that IS the movie, but just based on. Depressing movie with a heart warming ending...the show however, just depressing so far. I'm sure you're working up to the heart warming ending, but people may just slit their wrists before you get to the end of the season...just sayin'.

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